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  • Gambar penulisNopita Sari

Technology for Teaching Speaking

There are two dimensions in speaking skill:

1. Fluency and

2. Accuracy

And other things that teacher should be able to aware are:

1. Students need the nature of the progress.

2. Pronunciation.

How technologies help us?

1. Technology provides new ways for people to connect with each other.

2. Teachers have opportunities for engaging students in oral conversation and pronunciation practice.

Speaking tools

As I told before, this website can help students to improve their pronunciation.

2. Google Translate

Google translate has the same function that is to improve students pronunciation.

3. Audio chat

ex: Skype

This technology is very useful for students who want to practice their speaking

5. OK Google

YouTube is a platform that has many function, and for speaking, teacher can asks students to make a channel YouTube and make a video conversation or anything that can make students more practice in speaking.

or maybe you can asks your students to makes Narrated presentation by using PowerPoint or the same tools, then makes a video and the last upload it in YouTube, this is example from me:

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