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Technology for Teaching Writing

The development and spread of the personal computer and the Internet have brought the most significant changes in the technology of writing since the diffusion of the printing press. , it must be attempted if we are to understand the role that computer-mediated communication (CMC) can and should play in English language teaching, especially in the teaching and learning of writing.

Technology for learning writing

a. Word Processing Software

Using this technology you can teach your student to write easily Microsoft Word can called complete software to write something that you want to write we can add pictures, symbols, bibliography, number etc.

b. Collaboration Software

and this technology can make your students to share their project each other

c. Blog

we can ask our students to write something then post it in blog.

Benefit using technology for teaching writing

- We can easily access many tools that will be very helpful.(Grammar checkers,spelling checkers, style checkers)

- Facilitate students for writing publication. (People can access other people work)

- We can easily reach our work.(Drive, cloud)

- Allow us to share their work with a wider and more varied audience. (Blog)

- Increased our motivation to engage in writing instruction.

- Digital writing tools increased social interaction and peer collaboration. (Email)

Guideline for writing

a. Planning

We make a planning for our writing first or we can called the idea of our writing

b. Drafting

Then, we can start to write the idea even its not complete.

c. Revising

In this step we start to revise our writing project, include the idea maybe you want to add or delete some idea from your project.

d. Editing

Then in this step you start to edit you writing project, include your grammar, layout, etc.

e. Proofreading

In this step you may to check your writing error, before you publish your writing project you have to check again your writing by yourself or ask your friend.

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