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Internet as Learning Resources

Diperbarui: 20 Des 2018

Hello I'm coming hehe..

In this part I would like to discuss about internet as learning resources yeeey..

I never get bored to say we can find almost everything in internet included learning resources. And then right now I will give you tips to select a website that will be your learning resources, and tips for you to be able make your life easier to collect the website that you like more, and annotated some important information that you get.

So, what will be the first?

hmm.. I think will be better if I explain how to evaluated a website first, then you can collect your favorite website.

Let's Go!!!

How to evaluated a website?


a. Who wrote the information?

b. Is the author contactable? An expert? Credentials?

c. Relevant expertise?

d. Is the website supported by government body? Relevant organization


a. Does the content support the purpose of the site?

b. Is the information geared to a specific audience (students, scholars, general reader)?

c. Is the site organized and focused?

d. Are the outside links appropriate for the site?

e. Does the site evaluate the links?


a. Does the site claim to be selective or comprehensive? Focused, in-depth vs. General

b. Are the topics explored in depth? àcontent

c. Compare the value of the site’s information compared to other similar sites à accuracy

d. Do the links go to outside sites rather than its own? àself-plagiarism

e. Does the site provide information with no relevant outside links?


a. how current the information presented is

b. how often the site is updated or maintained: first written, placed on the web, last revised

5) OBJECTIVITY (Beware of the potential bias of information)

a. Is the information presented with a particular bias? (Bias is OK, as long as it is minimum and admitted by the author)

b. Does the information try to sway the audience? (What is the ideology behind the content?)

c. Does site advertising conflict with the content? (Is the author supported by an organization having a conflict of interest?)

d. Is the site trying to explain, inform, persuade, or sell something?

6) ACCURACY (Accurate language use, Accurate content, etc)

a. Is the author affiliated with a known, respectable institution?

b. References: do statistics and other factual information receive proper references as to their origin?

c. Does the reading you have already done on the subject make the information seem accurate?

d. Is the information comparable to other sites on the same topic?

e. Does the text follow basic rules of grammar, spelling and composition?

f. Is a bibliography or reference list included?

and click the link below if you guys want to see example from me

This is a video from me.

the last is how to collect your favorite website easier?

Jang Jang Jang....

The answer is using Diigo, Diigo is a free social bookmarking, research, and knowledge sharing tool created to mimic the ease of taking notes while providing a network for sharing and discovering information.

Diigo allows you to take personal notes and highlight text information on web pages just as you would on a piece of paper. You can then bookmark and save this information for further review, while adding tags to keep everything organized. In bookmarking this information, you can also choose to share with colleagues and friends to allow them to access the web page, view your notes and highlights, and add their own annotations. All of this information is also saved online and can be accessed by any computer or browser, including cell phones with browsing capabilities.

Source by:

This is my outliners in Diigo. Enjoy it:)))

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