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Places that I Want to Visit

Today is about some places that I want to visit and I hope someday I can be thereJ

1. Makkah

I think every Muslims in the world knows about this place, and this place has become a place that every Muslims want to visit it including me. In Makkah has a Ka’bah that has become Muslims Kiblat which is the direction that should be face when a Muslim prays. When Muslims want to complete 5 Rukun Islam which is one of them is going to pilgrimage for people who willing and able.

2. Japan

The first time I like japan because Japan has Sakura flower, I really like Sakura and I also like Anime, because of that I really want to learn Japan language, furthermore Japan also has beautiful sceneries. After that I decided to like Japan and want to visit NJapan someday if I have a chance.

3. Korea

Again and again, for the first time I like Korea because of the flower that similar with Sakura, then I had watched some dramas from Korea since 2014, after that I had loved some Boy band groups from Korea since 2015 I think, because I’m not really sure when I have loving boy band from Korea for the first time. I really want to visit Korea even I really want to study there even I know how hard that is. Why? Because Korea is still in Asia and has beautiful flower and scenery too. Jeju is a popular place that has beautiful scenery in Korea, and then in Korea I will be in the same country with my idol wkwk.

4. Every place that has beautiful scenery.

Explore beautiful place that has beautiful sceneries in Indonesia first and then going to around the world such as Maldives, France, Dutch, Australia, British, and etc.

I’m sorry if I have made some mistakes, I’m not a good writer, but maybe someday I want. I’m sorry for many ungrammatically correct.


Nopita Sari

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